Our Mission Statement

We are a competitive soccer club for boys and girls in the Ross Valley and West Marin communities focused on inspiring and developing players with a commitment to hard work, cooperation and sportsmanship for success on and off the field.  We are a "boutique" club with the ability to focus on individual player and team development.


We partner with Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) to educate our parents, coaches, athletes and leaders on how our athletes can learn valuable life lessons during their journey to become better players.

"When a game is on the line, can we really live up to the description of a positive culture? Can we really expect coaches, players, fans, and parents to uphold this positive culture if it might result in losing the game? The answer has to be, "Yes!" All involved must realize that winning cannot be the only goal. Maintaining a positive culture where positive character traits are developed in our players must come first. When the game is on the line and tensions are running high, it can take a high level of moral courage to keep our focus on what is really important, but if we can do that, we will teach our children an invaluable lesson. We must believe that maintaining this positive culture is so vital that we are willing to stand up to others that are putting it in danger. Our vision needs to stretch far beyond winning a specific game to making a lasting impact on the lives of our players."
