FAQs About Club Fees
Club Fees are determined by the competition format observed by the team to which a player is rostered. For the 2024-2025 season:
- $1400 for players in teams playing (U8)
- $2100 for players in teams playing 7v7 (U9 and U10 as well as players "playing up")
- $2600 for players in teams playing 9v9 (U11 and U12 as well as players "playing up")
- $2600 for players in teams playing 11v11 (U13 - U15)
- $2100 for players in teams playing 11v11 in an abbreviated season due to the mandatory break during High School Soccer Season
If the season is canceled/modified due to COVID-19 related Government/NorCal restrictions, fees will be refunded/partially refunded.
Fees will be refunded only in special cases such as unexpected illness or relocation. If the season is canceled due to COVID related Government/NorCal restrictions fees will be refunded. If the season is modified fees will be adjusted.
Players in high school have a shorter club season because high school competition rules prohibit participation in club soccer during the high school soccer season
- Administrative and operational expenses for the entire soccer calendar year.
- Summer training 1-2 practices per week June & July, Fall training - 2 practices per week August through December and coaching (matches) for all competitions (including spring league games) until tryouts for next year's season.
- Coaching for State Cup matches until such competition concludes.
- Individual team expenses associated with team registration for participation in Fall League, State Cup, Spring League and up to four tournaments.
- Teams carry the cost of additional tournaments.
- For tournaments outside of Northern CA team members carry the additional cost of accommodations and travel for the coach which varies depending on distance traveled and available accommodations.
- Fees do not cover optional third practice per week in the fall. Additional practices include additional fees.
- Fees do not cover spring practices.
- Fees do not cover participation in Marin Futsal.
- Fees do not cover Red Hill Church futsal/indoor winter practices.
- Credit/debit card (in one lump sum or by an automatic installment plan of 4 payments) after initial payment of $700 upon acceptance of invitation to join Breakers. Those requesting financial aid must make an initial $300 payment upon acceptance to join the Breakers and continue with further payments (installment or lump sum) based upon financial aid award. Financial aid application MUST be submitted by 5/31/24 to be considered.
Yes. We are strongly committed to providing access to our teams and programs, regardless of ability to pay.
Financial assistance is available to cover Club Fees for families with demonstrated need via an application (please note: aid is not available to cover individual expenses such as uniforms). It must be submitted, with the required accompanying documentation, to the Club’s Scholarship Committee by May 31st at 6 pm.
Please note that we budget for a scholarship fund each year, and therefore, the amount of aid we are able to provide to each family depends on the number of families that apply for aid. It also depends on when families apply for aid: applying after the May 31st deadline might result in our inability to provide aid because the scholarship fund may be depleted after such date.
Please visit Documents to get the financial aid application and read instructions on how to submit it for review
Uniforms are an additional expense team members should expect to pay in addition to Club fees. For tournaments outside of Northern CA team members carry the additional cost of accommodations and travel for the coach, which vary depending on distance travelled and available accommodations.
Fees do not cover optional third practice per week. An additional registration option will be available for additional practices.
Financial aid is provided to cover Club Fees only. Club Fees include participation in up to four tournaments. If assistance is needed for additional tournaments out of Northern California, this should be discussed at the team level. Aid also does not cover uniforms.
Our uniforms are made by Puma and consist of two jerseys (Purple for home games and White for away games), one pair of shorts (Purple) and two pairs of socks (Purple)
Uniforms are purchased online through T&B Sports in San Rafael.